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Friday, July 11

Hellboy Friday! July 11th

Well, it's movie night for the wife and me. Hellboy II: The Golden Army is out and getting pretty good reviews (87% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes). We really enjoyed the first one and have been anxiously awaiting this sequel for a while now. I'm sure a nice bucket of caramel corn awaits us at Carmike this evening. Look for our review on the main page next week.
The big one is coming next week: The Dark Knight. This one will be the continuation of Travis and my comic book movie adventures. He's planning on joining Brooke and I for a Friday viewing. Should be very good, it's getting great hype as a masterpiece of crime drama cinema. Good stuff! The following week the new X-Files movie hits the screens, and I'll be checking that one out. Brooke's going to pass on X-Files...
Baby showers continue this weekend for Brooke and Rowan. My aunt and mom are hosting a big one on Saturday. The next couple of weeks will be final staging for the nursery...less than 5 weeks from due date!
This week's News Quiz. Put your result in the comments section! [Chicago Tribune]
The new iPhone 3G is released today. The suckers who paid too much last time, who me?, get a free upgrade on all the new goings on with the phone, but don't get the new speeds for the cell networks. However, if you get the new one your data fees are more and you have to pay for text messaging! Add all that up over the 2 year contract and it comes to an extra $360! So the new iPhone will actually be more in the long run...imagine that. This article really breaks it down on the new iPhone when compared to the older one. A big addition is the App Store, both new and old iPhones will have access to it. This article breaks down how Apple sees developers flocking to them for programming purposes. [The Mercury News & All Things Digital & NY Times]
Here's an iPhone blog from the Chicago Tribune.
Maybe this hurricane season won't be that bad after all. Seems La Nina is petering out and that affects the power of these storms. [The Mercury News]
I've blogged before about energy savings at the home and using CFL (curly) light bulbs. As the article says, most green projects aren't perfect. Tips on how to recycle and clean up breaks. [Chicago Tribune]
Today in History. On this day in 1804 Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton in a duel, he died the next day. Burr was actually Vice President under Jefferson at the time. So Cheney wasn't the first VP to shoot someone while in office! LOL! [Wikipedia]
You think gas prices are bad? Check out the rest of the world! I remember paying over $5/gallon in Japan in 1995. Of course, my Toyota Starlet got about 35 MPG. [LA Times]
Rain barrels are the answer for this Georgia town and their water needs. [Atlanta Journal Constitution]
Great White spotted off the coast of where Jaws was filmed? Nothing confirmed...didn't you vacation here last week, Shlater?!? [Atlanta Journal Constitution]


Unknown said...

7/10 for me on the news quiz this week.

Anonymous said...

Tell your wife to go see the X-Files movie with you ... heard it's supposed to be very romantic!